Talking with SJ just now about cadaver art* and I was trying to think of the name of a photographer whose work, with (unheeded by me) warning signs at the entrances to the galleries, is effing burned into my brain. I can see absolutely clearly and I don't want to. It's been - twenty years?
SJ: There is an amazing artist in Mexico City who took incredibly beautiful pictures of cadavers after autopsies. The bodies were mostly of the homeless - no one claimed them. Her study truly captivated me. Look her up on the internet: Teresa Margolles.
Me: Ugh - remember that photog (b&w) who took pix of dead people in a kind of still life way? Can't think of his name but the images ARE BURNED INTO MY BRAIN. I saw them at THE HENRY. (pre-SJ version). Gawd what WAS HIS NAME? Didn't you have a friend whose job was photographing dead babies in a hosp or was that Lucia?
SJ: My friends name is B. O’B. Was the Henry show the same one I remember photographs of bodies from wars in Guatemala etc. I think it was Time magazine photographers. Any way PBS is on part two of Little Doritt.
Me: No, different show entirely. Joel Peter Witkin.
*washes brain with bleach*
It's indelible, I'm afraid.
This conversation has done it - now I can smell formaldehyde :((
I remember many moons ago in Australia seeing several pieces that were created from meat; ugh and the rot continues past Damien Hirsh to those statues of people skinned with pig by Heide Hatry. Ugh.
I haven't seen very many dead people and I would be super happy if I never see another - can you imagine chosing dead flesh (be it human or animal) as your artistic medium?
*As in here, or here, or here.
posted by
- 9:10 PM

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