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28 May 2009

I was stood on the airship deck yesterday talking to Enj who was channeling ELLiebob, when all of a sudden my SL graphics splintered into a million pieces. I logged off, then relogged - same, so I cleared cache, shut down the puter, felt around for temperature, did a bit of cleaning, turned it back on and it was ok. I wish I'd thought to check that the fan was running before I shut down. Come to think of it, though, when I had the borked gfx card ages ago everything splintered, not just SL, so this must've been corruption. Anyway, I won't tell Derek unless it happens again.

Update: Baron Grayson thinks the RC is not playing happily with 8800 cards, resulting in corrupted drivers. Dunno.


posted by - 9:50 AM

Ee Gads! My monitor when I was at the rehearsals with Enjah! And her tenchnology breaks when she is with Enjah! I think we have a common thread...
I recall now that Icelandic saga about Enjar the Slayer of the Netz, Could it be prophetic?

Also what about the quatrain of Nostradamus that goes something like this:

In the time of the hippopotamus
When six are come from the One
Shattered are the images in great pwnage
Hot tempers flare, destruction reigns
BWAHAHAHA!!! My vile plans have come to furious fruition flauting your fervent feathered plans!!!! Enjah Mysterio RULES your computers!!!!! *wonders briefly who choked up her routers, then goes on to make world domination plans via Second Life*
/me hides under a mushroom

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