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01 July 2009

I waited ages for the animated documentary Waltz with Bashir to come out on dvd, and now it's here - w00t! I'm in the middle of this excellent film.

DG Design Network:
"Contrary to industry rumours, the animation in Waltz with Bashir was not achieved through rotoscoping techniques and Goodman actively fights this misconception whenever he can.
‘I’d like to state that the movie has absolutely zero percent rotoscope. Every time one of my animators hears or reads about someone on the other side of the planet saying the movie was in rotoscope, I get a phone call, regardless of the hours.’

‘Every movement in this movie was created and invented in the animator’s head, and not copied over live footage. Sometimes we watched the interviews for reference, but we never drew over them. Instead we tried to stylise and re-create them.’

It's a significant achievement - the film's animation is gorgeous.


posted by - 10:24 PM

I watched it too, and one can see it was not rotoscoped for the motion is too stiff and unnatural to be traced, and I appreciated the use of color and the evident sympathy of the creators for all participants in the tragedy it depicts. But I can't agree that it's gorgeous and can't understand why animation was chosen to tell this story, except perhaps to place some distance between the viewer and the characters and their stories. I would say "interesting" but not "significant".
I liked it a lot - the stiffness was fine with me. I loved the way the shadows moved across the figures - there was a sequence in a car where almost the only movement was the shadows. The animation seemed to fit, especially when the ending was reached and the real footage was shown.

It was as if the entire attempt to recover his memories was a kind of middle class experience, the choice of an intelligent man. Humans with options can decorate and interpret and explore, but once all options are stripped away the rawness of reality is all that's left.

I don't know what I'm writing - honestly I should try to sleep as I am making little sense.

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