Another Bear or Two
I remember a poor bearlet in a nasty cage that I saw once as a child in Canada. We were going Somewhere like Lake Kasshabog or somewhere, and there was a ruler straight, long gravel road in an evergreen forest of very, very tall trees, and nothing but nice trees except one shop-cum-gas station with a poor bear in a cage. It was a frame building, the shop, and I can see whitish with a reddish roof although who knows.
There are bears around here - in fact the hamlet next door holds an annual Bear Festival that has to do with eating bears I think (I've never been). Wild things are having a difficult time now, and although mountain lions have been seen very close by (and children hardly ever go out on Hallowe'en in the sticks hereabout as they fear they will meet the same end as young Albert Ramsbottom - et by a lion) not within the past five years as far as I've heard.
posted by
- 10:51 PM

In northern Wisconsin we had lots of black bears and when I was in my 20s, I recall seeing one while we were picking berries. In order not to be attacked as berry patch interlopers, we quietly backed away and left.
In the Adirondacks a few years ago I saw another black bear while walking the dog. We paralleled the bear then decided to turn around, lest the bear decide we were threatening. Bears have also become a nuisance in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as people have built houses in bear territory. They hang out under people's porches and sometimes are befriended.
In the Adirondacks a few years ago I saw another black bear while walking the dog. We paralleled the bear then decided to turn around, lest the bear decide we were threatening. Bears have also become a nuisance in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as people have built houses in bear territory. They hang out under people's porches and sometimes are befriended.
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