I spent some time installing the new Entropia, which is a hefty five gigs and required, today, umpteen patches and four acceptances of their TOS. Upon cranking it up I got this:
I surfed over to MindArk and logged in to the website. I was going through the support question gantlet (I downloaded it but can't login, I can log in but my hair is on fire, I can log in and I like my hair being on fire but all the menus are in Korean, etc., etc.) and ticked something that popped open and said: I got a flag saying Internal Error detected on this Avatar."
I ticked that and it popped open a "Contact support" window. I hope I wasn't on that server that Lars dropped off the rack. I also hope they aren't rounding up everyone who doesn't spend money and dropkicking them off the planet. On the plus side I saw my join date, which was 13 July 2004.
They say support is unusually burdened at this time so they say it will take A Long Time. I'm sorry now I waited until the craze died down after the huge upgrade before attempting to connect.
Update: "Kind regards." Their form letter is very warm and friendly - the very opposite of icy cold* Entropia/MindArk, as far as any dealings I've ever had with them.
* They made liquid nitrogen seem quite tepid in comparison.
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