My Landlord, His Friend, Hired Workmen and My Deck
/me tries unsuccessfully to imitate "The Thief, The Cook, His Wife and Her Lover."
Noisily (power tools and the screeeeeeeeech of nailed plywood being wrested from its resting place, etc) the men are replacing the sheeting, which has been rotting for years. It's like the curate's egg, though, so although I was like this: ==============:O at the thought of my landlord (insurance salesman and erstwhile restaurant proprietor) doing structural carpentry, I think his friend knows what he's doing, and things will be ok since the rots is not everywhere. It's tough on me as this house is all windows on the deck side, and everything faces the lake. On the plus side one of the workmen paints and likes Fidget, especially. They also knew the self-potraits were me, which is nice (Me: I'm not totally gone! Yippee! Workman: Not at all - we recognised you right away.).
posted by
- 3:51 PM

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