New EVGA Forum
Welcome to our public BETA testing for our new forums.
- We cannot move the posts from the old forum to the new forum due to the customizations there were made when the old forum was initially created.
- The old forum will become a read-only archive when this public BETA is complete.
- The posts made on this forum will remain, we will not clear out the posts when it switches from BETA to RELEASE.
- You are free to use these forums as much or little as you wish. We plan on letting them run BETA for a good amount of time before turning off our old forums, however.
- We would love your help finding issues with the forums - or making suggestions - here: (link)
- Your first and last name and age will show on the user list unless it is modified/removed from your FORUM profile: (link) PLEASE NOTE: Your profile will not save if your signature is longer than 750 characters.
- Your forum name now = your login. Due to issues with changing them en masse, we have to change them one at a time until we figure out a way to let you do that for you. If you have an URGENT need of a name change - email (link) directly with your top three choices from your registered email address.
We look forward to hearing all of your feedback!
/me logs in and sees the new beta forum - seems reasonable and no-nonsense way to have proceeded. Forum is a forum, of course, not anything weird/unwieldy. Because - who would do that? It would be against the company's own best interests.
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