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24 November 2009

Because I'm weird I was happy that Perfume contained a strigil. Not too often you see one in a movie, and it brings me joy.
Also, anyone ever used to do this as a child?

Eat a Kit Kat.
Separate the tin foil from the wax paper.
Chew the wax paper whilst forming the tin foil into a narrowish roll pinched in the middle.
Insert the chewn paper into one end.
Holding the other end flip it up on the (usually cinema balcony) ceiling, where it sticks.

My cousin Christopher taught me to do that.


posted by - 11:24 PM

Never heard of a strigil before ... interesting to connect with the soapless past.

As for the Kit Kat, never did that either! I did cut up a Land o'Lakes carton and put the maiden's knees on the platter so they look like breasts, though. Does that count?

I remember when Kit Kats were made in England and they were much better than after they were bought by whomever here in the States. *thinks of all sorts of candies, soft drinks and other sugary treats from childhood* *hears Osprey saying "eeuw! gross"*
American Kit Kats are the debbil. First, the chocolate is grainy and horrid. Second, they started out immediately using peanuts - blecch - and I believe now use nothing but sugar. American sweets are the debbil, and American bakeries are, too. It's sad.
we used to blow into one end of the candy box (good n plenty) and it makes a great sound.
what's a good kind of candy now?
(types thiccali)
(types punds)
Depends upon where you are and what you like. I like proper Crunchies, Aeros, wine gums, Flakes, and Y&S Licorice pipes, myself. And Violet Crumbles suck totally as a faux Crunchie, as does Vegemite as a Marmite substitute. But that's just me.


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