Postcard from Second Life.
Originally uploaded by Vivian Oblivion
Young Geoffrion's Exhibition
Enjah arranged an exhibit of Young's paintings at her gallery, and the well-attended opening was lots of fun! Everyone was most interested in the vibrant and strong paintings. After most of the people had said their goodbyes we stood talking for a bit and Yo showed her new Papagena* look. HBA turned up looking temporally distressed, and a man with a hammer and scycle turned up and seemed to enjoy both the artwork and the company.
It will be up for two months, and is well worth a visit or three :-D
*At the opening I was GOING to say "Papageno is the male bird catcher, and Papagena his mate," but I accidentally squashed it together and said "Papagena is the male bid catcher..." and was confounded, heh.
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