Snake Shirt
From a prehistoric Seattle Times article:
She doesn't believe in ghosts and she's never been to a seance, but when the chance to design costumes for the movie ``Ghost'' appeared, Barbary Stenderu believed in herself enough to say yes.
Stenderu, a local textile and clothing designer with a shop near the Pike Place Market, designed some of the clothing Whoopi Goldberg wears in ``Ghost'' and the cloth that covers the seance table in the movie.
In the film, playing at several area theaters, Goldberg plays a charlatan psychic who discovers her powers are authentic when she starts communicating with ``ghost'' Patrick Swayze.
Stenderu, who usually designs one-of-a-kind fabrics and clothing, was asked to design a jacket and blouse plus 30 yards of fabric for the seance tablecloth, draperies and pillows in Goldberg's apartment.
``I had never done two pieces that were exactly alike before,'' she says. ``. . . I had to make several exact duplicates of each one so there would be spares in case some were damaged.
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