Samurai Sho, Wet Hoof (39, 68, 41)
I swear to you - years ago I stumbled across a shop selling detailed samurai armour and lost its name and never could find it though I tried. Today Molly send me a message about a place with detailed samurai kit.
Os: Does it have a dragon sculpture?
Molly: Yes.
Os: w00t! (leaps into the air and bounds across the grid)
I was about to buy a set when Enj called me for her Tiny Invasion movie, so I had to wait. When I returned I ran into Bett, who was radiant as always. I bought my Honda set, then had to leave, but returned a third time wearing KLee's S19 viewer, which has (wewt wewt) antialiasing + shadows. And more.

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