Kumi says in reference to SL feeling dead:
...this intrigues me -- these comments seem to occur in a cycle to me (I've only had a few years experience of just one MMPORG which is SL).
I came across this (Nick Yee) article about MMPORGS and player life-cycles and thought you'd like to read it.
...my recipe for not burning out in SL is to not be in virtual business -- takes all the fun out of the experience. I do however, barter quite happily :)
HBA agreed about the business part:
I've always said that too - I want to make some stuff to sell, but that's more of a roleplaying thing than a business - I don't know how the business lot can enjoy SL.
Os said:
For me it's hard because I feel like there are no boundaries, and as my energy wanes my desire to do things is unfulfilled. Honestly, I start something, get five minutes into it, then fold from exhaustion and delete the lot or just take it all into my inventory, which is correspondingly a nine mile long mess.
(Silly little) Things like, say, finishing my Tiny spaceship so the animation I made for the pilot works consistently should just be a finite task, but as it is I keep having to drag out what (I hope) is the last version I worked on, and try to get it working before A) I run out of steam or B) I get interrupted.
It feels like this:
Of course, I feel a degree of fragmentation in real life, so it would be a miracle if I didn't feel it in SL too.
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