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15 June 2010

I suppose I'll have to jettison V2 and go back to KLee's, as it's becoming difficult to tell what is a bug and what is just an intentional but bizarre change.

There's no File - Create - Sort on my betaV2 inventory pane and uploads, etc. on the Inventory pane are accessed by the little cross at the bottom, which is fiddly. Yes, uploads can be accessed in Build, but why were the other things moved?

Is that how it was intended to be? I can't tell anymore. There are some good reorganisations of menu items in V2, and some good things I'm used to and have forgotten are new, I bet, but there are also quite a few clumsy/klunky aspects like the media controls.

Also Appearance is on the fixed sidebar.

I was willing to bang my head against the wall because I wanted to be able to talk to my Ambat noobs without a Tower of Babel situation, but if if V2 is headed inexorably towards the changes in the beta I might get off the bus. Conversely, since T is gone the future of V2 seems unsure, so maybe it would be wasted head-banging.

posted by - 10:18 AM

I'm at a loss to understand just how the V2 cock up happened. The idea of a new viewer is great - yet the Lab just ballsed it up soooo badly their fuck up can be seen from space.

The only explanation that makes sense is not that the people behind it were just crap at their jobs (highly unlikely) but rather too many conflicting priorities were at work in the Lab - prolly M wanted it out and in the wild ASAP to drag users in and roll in some moolah. I could be wrong, but the whole mes smells less of a project gone wrong as of a project interfered with to the point of buggeration.

Fucking idiots.

Amen. So endth this lesson. Now get out of my church, you goddam kids.
People who still ask "how could this happen?" amuse me greatly. LL screwed up everything they tried to "improve" as long as I can remember.
it has long been my belief that the human inability to carry through without fucking up is all that has saved us so far
Lucy has a point.
Well, thinking about V2 - human being are diverse; it's impossible to please everyone. Some swear they love it (like Brace), and I have no reason to disbelieve them, but other despise it. A kind of "new user training wheels" viewer wouldn't be a bad idea if it were labeled as such.

I think part of the reason people like Emerald (besides it working well) is that they like gadgets with tons of options and they like to feel like they are in the know.

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