I had a doctor appointment this morning at 10:30. I never go to the doctor but they rounded me up a couple of months ago. I had printed out information on CCSVI and quercetin, and a couple of other things, and explained my interest in these things. I did the pee-in-a-cup, have-blood-drawn, and whatnot. He wants me to see a neurologist to discuss the CCSVI, and also have a mammogram, and he says he'll ring up about the quercetin. After an hour and a half I was declared quite healthy except for being totally effed up with m.s.* I like him, actually.
Me: Medicare is evil.
Him: It's because the government is evil.
I have him trained to expect me to refuse things, but he was happy that I followed through on what I'd agreed to. I really only agree to things that make sense to me.
Him: OMG! Someone did what I said!
Me: Heh.
I hate the idea of seeing a neuro, since they are negativity carriers, but I'll try to tough it out because I have a reason for going. There has never been a reason to go in the past X years as there was nothing at all for the type of m.s. I have. Well, they put people on expensive drugs that don't work (especially for P-P), but I don't have any money and I can't do medicines anyway. This is the first glimmer of anything useful.
* The operation was a success but the patient died.
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