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29 July 2010

On the Philip meeting blogpost of the official LL blog a commentor said:

"Might I ask if SL would please not forget the 'little' merchants, I have a 4086 plot that I have had my business on for a good while and have slowly built it up into a business that now covers my Tiers and other costs, so at this point I would like to expand and buy more land so I may gain more prim's to expand my business (House Sales) However, and this is the crunch that has stopped me for a long time in expanding.

The current rules mean that to purchase more land places me in a much higher tier group, which means I will end up paying for land I don't own !! can the Tiers not be charged relevant to the amount of land owned? this way I will be able to cover tiers and continue to grow within the constraints of money available, who knows one day I might even have a sim ? before all the others jump in and say about buying a sim or just taking more land like they have done, fine on them, BUT not everybody has a lot of money to spend and unless I am able to pay my way then it is just not going to happen, and I know I am not the only one in this position, many businesses do not expand purely for the sole reason that they cannot afford to, so how about it Philip ?? a little help goes a long way and it would help a lot of people in business to expand and of course at the same time continue to help Linden to grow too."

That was asked at a townhall in 2005 and I remember Philip saying tier needed greater granularity (which of course didn't happen). I wonder if this is out of the question at least at the moment, or might fall into the new scheme of pleasing customers.

posted by - 12:23 PM


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I want to ask for thoughts about improving the world -- what do people need? How can things be organised?