Saints Lucy, Ida, Helena, and Bibiana
I wasn't raised with religion so it's all just a source of imagery and cool stories to me. I liked the saint cards schoolmates would occasionally show me, and anything I know about religion has been learned through an interest in art. I even like the Watchtower's art, and I have a tiny comic of a man who goes to Hell then somehow doesn't and starts to live a Godly existence. Cool beans.

Anything involving eyes is bad. Yesterday I heard about a woman who went outside to see what all the noise was, and was struck in the eyeball by a stray bullet fired randomly, dying instantly.
My mum, although not Catholic, had been sent to a convent boarding school, so was full of information about saints, which I always liked quite a bit. Her mother was Mummy Barbara, and she hated her name, although not because of St Barbara and her tower. Catherine had a wheel (ugh), Sebastian was pincushioned with arrows, Cecilia was the patron saint of musicians, St Agatha carried her breasts on a plate.

"Are we having fun yet?"
I knew Saint Bibiana and Saint Lucy, but was moved to see "who else" had saints. Enjah gets Saint Helena, who is associated with the True Cross (and nails... she was somewhat suspiciously adept at finding things), and there's a Saint Ida I didn't know about, whose "side was consumed by a beetle which eventually grew to the size of a pig." Helena's day is 21 May, not far from Enj's birthday.

"And over here I found Jimmy Hoffa."
And don't say "some of those are ex-saints" since, as I didn't believe in it anyway nothing changed for me way back when they rather rudely excised a number of perfectly serviceable saints.

Patron saint of estate agents
posted by
- 2:57 PM

if you ever come across the short story "Saint Lucy's Home for Girls Raised By Wolves" i think you will like it...but don't buy the book just to read that story.
one of my favorite books is "Last Report of the Miracles at Little No Horse" which has in part to do with the church attempting to determine if someone is a saint or not. anything i know about saints i learned from novels! Fifth Business is another good one!
one of my favorite books is "Last Report of the Miracles at Little No Horse" which has in part to do with the church attempting to determine if someone is a saint or not. anything i know about saints i learned from novels! Fifth Business is another good one!
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