"good questions! gertrude stein would be proud of you. so what is it that most people generally do with their time that is any better? i don't really see the difference. LT"
For most of my life - that is until I was somewhere in my early thirties - I had lots of animals and consequently knew a lot of farmers as I bought oats and hay and straw and so one. They were often quite interesting people, and it occured to me at the time that they had what people in more modern ways of life don't: riding around on their tractors, doing chores they'd done a thousand times before, secure in their knowledge of their surroundings, and for the most part at peace, these farmers had time to think and formulate ideas. They had time to THINK.
There is much good that comes about because we structure some of our time, but if life is too structured it's sterile. This must be a city/suburb invention: cut off from loose natural structure, time-and-rule-based rigidity is the human attempt to allay fears, which leads to subdivision of life into smaller and smaller segments. I don't know what "most people" do or even are, but I can't help but think adding more and more structure and training people to obey the rules is not good. On the other hand it fits in with my "everything is becoming One and I'm wrong to complain about it" idea.
The answer to your question is:
Think unstructured thoughts.
Tell stories to children.
Exist for the moment in the human body, enjoying the feeling of the sun's warmth, the smell of the trees, the sounds of insects.
Poke mud with a stick.
Walk nowhere.
Wash floors.
Forget things, remember things, look closely at whatever ugly thing is nearby and think about it.
Spend four hours doing nothing.
Watch birds.
et cetera
posted by
- 4:59 PM

2 hours ago i entered a comment that was so brilliant and well written, it explained everything and solved all problems! then i posted it and got a big blank page of 305 error or some number similar to that! i slammed off in disgust and now i can't remember what i wrote! humanity will have to struggle on until i remember. anyway, you are zackly right Osprey, and Adam - DON"T POKE THAT THEY ARE VERY FAST
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