A couple of weeks ago...
Me: I have to go grocery shopping, don't make me feel terrible.
Frank: mmmm OK I'll try.
Me: I feel awful.
Frank: I'm going to bring you food so I can work on you.
I went home and just barely made it inside, falling, literally, backwards onto my bed, and falling asleep. Next days feel more energetic.
Last week
Frank: (holding a bag) Shall I put these in your car?
Me: OK, thank you. (eeeeeeeek!)
Stagger home, next days feel more energetic.
Frank: (holding a bag) Front seat?
Me: Does this mean I'll be incapacitated?
Frank: Yes.
Me: o.O
Stagger home, barely able to drag myself in, but feel compelled to make lentil soup, which I throw together from anything near to hand. It was good. Then I fall into bed and sleep.
I realise later it's Friend Soup. It's made of lentils and onions from SJ, turnips, bulb fennel, carrots, and greens from Frank, and wild rice from Enjah, with organic broth from the grocery store. I'm lucky to be nourished physically and mentally by these generous friends.
posted by
- 11:54 PM

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