A friend's three year old:
We were playing a new game where he got under the table and we blocked out all the light by draping blankets over the table-then I passed items under the blanket to him and he needed to guess what the items were. One of the items was a deoderant--Right away he said, "Armpit Shampoo".
posted by
- 5:35 PM

As a kid I went to horse riding lessons (briefly - they clashed with some scifi cartoon I was mad on at the time). At lesson two they asked us to recall the names of the tack on the horses we were sat on. For my turn they pointed at the strip of leather over the creature's nose. I drew a blank. They tried to help with "Think of something you'd conduct." I racked my brain and said, with more than a note of doubt it has to be said, "Orchestra?"
That's right folks, clearly there is a strap of material wrapped around a horse that is too important to simply be called a band. Noooo I had to middle-class it up didn't I.
That's right folks, clearly there is a strap of material wrapped around a horse that is too important to simply be called a band. Noooo I had to middle-class it up didn't I.
Also, about 6 months ago, the good lady Antfarm asked our wee gazelle how he came up with so many good ideas ("I've got a good idea" being his phrase of choice at the time - these good ideas invariably involved some way of allowing him to play with stuff he shouldn't or past his bath time). His reply, with all seriousness and with mucho earnestness was "I've got magic in my head."
I was out voted with my dunking and/or stake-burning ideas.
I was out voted with my dunking and/or stake-burning ideas.
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