I ran into Douglas :-D which is always a treat.
We talked about a few things including griefers (Douglas: my idea of a game is pooping on griefers), and the liklihood of the new CEO adding a gamelayer to SL:
Osprey Therian: A gamelayer might help sl keep noobs (I think he might possibly add game elements).
Douglas: so long as they're optional
Douglas: I'm really not a gamer
Osprey Therian: Course. Like the shopping hunts, games that are available but not required might be good.
And renewal of enthusiasm:
Osprey Therian: BTW my idea was to close every summer so people's enthusiasm was renewed yearly.
Douglas: Ahh, I like it - to make us appreciate what we have.
Osprey Therian: yes but imagine anticipation!
Douglas: difficult to do for months
Douglas: hehe WHOS summer ;o)
Osprey Therian: a couple maybe - or just one
I bring out the same old ideas every once in a while. They aren't necessarily very good but at least I'm thinking.
But I DO love the noob tree and the pneumatic tubes.
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