I watched La jetée on Netflix. I'd not seen it before; it was good. Also Chris Marker was/is in SL ('Sergei Murasaki') - at least he was a few years ago. He turns ninety this year, and I'm unaware of his current endeavors.
Then I watched 'The Girl Who Played With Fire," the second girl-with-the-dragon-tattoo film. It was absorbing, but as expected the first was better. This one is a bit too luke-i-am-you-father-y but Lisbeth Salander is a good heroine.
Very windy.
Labels: Don't be surprised if my power goes out again., Netflix
posted by
- 10:10 PM

La Jetee is one of my favorite films of all time. It was remade in the US as Twelve Monkeys with Bruce Willis, not nearly as good as the original, but has some interest. The use of stills in the original remains a rare means of communicating memory in film.
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