There were a couple of (long ago) Linden hires that were so brilliant they took my breath away and made me feel lucky. One of these was when Qarl was hired by Linden Lab. His sculpties, that brilliant hack, revolutionised Second Life; previously the impossibility of creating organic shapes was frustrating, limiting. An inventive problem-solver, his background in digital design includes creating effects for The Matrix. SL and all its users were cherished, indeed.
Then LL did something no one could understand: they pushed Qarl out the door. Even after that Qarl developed a major wonder - the prim alignment tool - and expressed his belief in our ongoing 3d adventure. Recently he stated he'd go back to work for them if they asked. Apparently they haven't, and won't, ask.
There were a couple of (long ago) Linden hires that were so brilliant they took my breath away and made me feel lucky. I hate looking back on that time as it seems long ago, now.
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