Wait... What?
'In Karachi, the financial capital, a program was recently innaugurated to use eunuchs as tax collectors.'
--The New Yorker
I knew there had been eunuchs there in the recent past, but somehow in my rosy-spectacled way of not following current trends in genital mutilation I'd thought the practise of castrating children had more or less died out. Apparently not, as three seconds googling reveals. Someone who might reflect a middle-of-the-road opinion says, 'But while I can understand that some enuchs are born that way and deserve to be pitied, I think most hijras today have either got themselves castrated or have been forcibly castrated to earn money by begging.' And if you were forcibly castrated no pity for you! And who are these mysterious legions who are born castrated? And can it be true that some men have arranged to have themselves castrated? I'm guilty of some ignorance on this topic, it seems.
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