Big Dee
When I was a child I wouldn't drink milk, eat ice cream or butter, and wouldn't eat even a tiny bit of fatty meat. Later I started eating butter and even ice cream a bit, but milk was a definite bleccchhh right up until perhaps six years ago. At that time I shifted 180 degrees and began putting 2% in my coffee, which I think was a vitamin d3 thing more than anything else.
I wanted *not* to use milk, though, so a couple of weeks ago tried almond milk, a quart of organic Pacific unsweetened that Frank gave me to try. I liked it. That brand is thin and watery. I bought some Silk almond milk, which is not organic, is thickened to heavy cream consistency with carageenin, and is opaque. Both taste much the same. I only bought the Silk as that was all there was where I shop.
Alas, it turns out that it has a rather unfortunate effect on me, and in researching it turns out that it's a common side effect: abdominal distress/diarrhea. That's really too bad. I suppose now it's on to goat's milk. (I used to have a French Alpine milk goat named Magdalena, so I suppose it won't be hard to adjust although it may be harder to come by than cow's milk.)
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- 3:29 PM

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