Power Out
The power went out at 9:45 and just came on at 2:35, however it's low so the internet was not ओं उन्तिल अ बीत ago. was a colossal drag. जफ़ नो ब्लॉगर इस मकिन्गेवेर्य्थिन्घिन्दिअर्ग्ग्घ्ह्ह्.
ओह, please, Blogger, stop writing in Hindi... *looks around*... Phew, I hope.
I had all my windows open yesterday to let the wind run through the house a last time, then closed them all. During the night a howling frenzy of a storm arose, ripping branches off trees, which thumped as they landed on the roof.
There's a weird mouldy smell coming from the pantry. I can't see anything in there that might be causing it, however my ability to investigate is limited. I'm hoping there's a forgotten something mouldering away in there and that it isn't a structural problem i.e. a leak.
Labels: trizzzities
posted by
- 6:50 PM

Thumpety-thump-thump, thumpety-thump-thump, Ganesha is on his way (as evidenced by the Hindi writing effect + the thumping tree limbs [or are they his TRUNK?]). Be on the lookout for a Hindu dude with four arms and the head of an elephant ... he must be in the neighborhood!
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