Well, thank heavens.
As we all know I wasn't happy about E going into the system as it's evil and once in it has total control over the person, but I said I wouldn't stand in the way. Jenny, who liked E and creatively sought to solve E's conundrums, submitted an application which was declared mega-badly written, spawning the appointment of a guardian-ad-litem who was (I feel) officious and incapable of understanding my family due to unsophistication/provinciality. She traumatised E over and over whilst obliging both E and Jenny to hire lawyers. Jenny backed away saying she couldn't afford to fight (having considerable legal expenses already), E ran out of money, the guardian company recommended by the GAL dropped out as E had no money, and today the court appointed Jenny to be E's guardian.
Fucking GAL, thanks a heap. Trauma/worry/expenses - and only by chance did it end up at the point at which it started. Deborah rang me in a celebratory fit (I was out jin shinning, though).
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