I'm opposed to 99% of medication use as A) in my experience the downside is greater than the upside, B) big pharma is evil and I will not support it. I was shocked a bit last night when listening to Global chat in Glitch as many players listed their medications (antidepressants for the most part). There is a commercial out now for something or other that sounds like a Saturday Night Live skit - Take this! Side effects include [a list of horrifying maladies]. Drug companies have trained people, it seems, to accept those lists without thinking. They aren't interested in alleviating suffering, just selling products. Drugs are engineered to pass the effectiveness tests whether or not that test result is in a human's best interest i.e. osteoporosis drugs that only harden the bone's outer layer which create an unnatural rigidity in what should be a living and flexible body part.
Labels: Bad Persons Bureau
posted by
- 3:13 PM

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