I'm from a very bookish family and always had several books on the go, esp. enjoying reading all of an author or subject serially and having a taste for well-written yet obscurish works. When I stopped being able to get in libraries and book shops Jim made it so the local library corporation sent me my choices by post. Then after a spate of purloined letters and packages the house got a locked box and books didn't fit in. :( I was still buying new and used books online but stopped that due to impecuniousness and thwhatnot. I started having real difficulty using books at all as my physical state deteriorated. End result: I mostly just read New Yorkers.
When Enj visited in June she gave me a Kindle, and that has made reading physically possible as well as moved literary works within my reach. Thank you, Enj.
Right now I'm reading a Fay Weldon that's a kind of new Decameron- stories as fun from characters at a spa (plague stood in plAce by bird flu and computer worm). Gawd typeratin on the pod is wearing.
When Enj visited in June she gave me a Kindle, and that has made reading physically possible as well as moved literary works within my reach. Thank you, Enj.
Right now I'm reading a Fay Weldon that's a kind of new Decameron- stories as fun from characters at a spa (plague stood in plAce by bird flu and computer worm). Gawd typeratin on the pod is wearing.
Update: I just saw online that in the USA it's called The Spa, but is actually titled The Spa Decameron. Apparently they think no one has read The Decameron or something.
posted by
- 9:27 AM

Once I got over the oddness of reading a book that didn't have actual pages, I loved my Kindle. We should share books!
I watched Steve Jobs introduce the iPad. I thought pretty cool, but who needs one?? I bought one in Sept 2010 and I love it!! I read more now with it. Easier to hold in bed than a book; don't have to adjust a reading lamp. eBook sales have now surpassed physical books, yet publishers' profits are up over last year. I do miss the new paperback book smell. I remember in grade school when our Weekly Reader book orders would arrive. Once mine had been handed out I would sit at my desk getting high from sniffing my new books.
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