Postcard from Second Life., a photo by Vivian Oblivion on Flickr.
Ambat, My Ambat
I went to Ambat to rez a kiosk from a user-made orientation that is very nice. I talked to two regulars - R was one and he asked me to fix the dance machines (which I did), and we chatted and danced.
R: funny
R: I was thinking tonight that you'd forgotten about ambat
Later I met A:
Osprey Therian: Think I fixed that stupid dance ball.
A: you know whats funny? we all were talking about the changes to the sandbox and we were wondering if you were going to make changes up here too :P
A: literally two days ago :P
Osprey Therian: heh
Osprey Therian: What changes do you think are needed?
A: I wouldn't change a single thing
Osprey Therian: I added a kiosk pointing to a new user area
A: Except maybe that talker thingy n the rug by the hippo multiplies or something
Osprey Therian: I like it as-is so it makes me happy you said that.
Osprey Therian: the runes?
A: I had another avi years ago and when I took a break and made this one a few years later I was so glad it was the same here
Osprey Therian: They should just give a reading then poof
Osprey Therian: I get attached to things here and in rl
A: They give a reading every few minutes and when I mute them it seems they muliply. I mean I like what they do but when it gets busy here its hard to keep up with the conversation when they keep going off
Osprey Therian: I'll take it and look at it.
Osprey Therian: ty for telling me
A: the hippo book is my favorite part of this place after the fountain :)
A: please don't think I'm complaining at all
Osprey Therian: IM any concerns - I always want to know
Osprey Therian: no I love it
A: SL always changes and I know I'm not the only one who is glad this place doesnt :)
Osprey Therian: It's been quiet here lately I hear.
Osprey Therian: May get busier when sl is on Steam.
A: It has but the regulars still stop in
Osprey Therian: Well, good night - nice to've met you!
A: good night :)
I'm glad people still enjoy the quiet Ambat tone.
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