The tests were normal. I have no diagnosis; might be an injury. I *think* MS is still possible, not sure. I just feel like I know nothing but I am very glad my optic nerves are fine. I knew I'd be kind of flipped out today so trying to be gentle on myself.
posted by
- 3:53 PM

It's good as far as not going blind goes! I asked that 'Now what?' question, and still am not sure. I've been given a Rx for pain (didn't get it yet), and he wants me to do phys rehabilitation. I don't really know what that is, how I can get there, and how I can pay for it, or what it is supposed to do. I don't want to think too much about it atm as I'm rather depressed.
I have the man in the yellow sweater that you framed up against the wall and will read him his miranda rights post haste. Try not to be depressed and don’t worry, “I’m from the Internet!” That is all.
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