This is worth watching :)
posted by
- 11:55 AM

Thanks for posting this. I had heard of Ubuntu before but did not know what it was about. Very interesting development in the Linux world of which I also know very little. But now a little more thanks to you!
I haven't played around with Ubuntu for ages (my Ubuntu discs came IN THE MAIL from France lol), but was debating whether or not to Ubuntify my old puter. I think I will - dratted feebleness when I LOVE PLAYING WITH TECH STUFFS. There's so much cool stuff now and I can hardly use my left arm at all. And I keep trying to get things to recognise verbal with dismal results.
Jeeze I miss being able to be in SL. We had such fun. Enj was talking about TSMGO yesterday. Those days are unforgettable.
Jeeze I miss being able to be in SL. We had such fun. Enj was talking about TSMGO yesterday. Those days are unforgettable.
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