Combat Cards is getting better and better - the new HUD system is not out yet, but I can hardly wait as it's so much clearer and will be easier to explain. That matters a lot to me as it's hard to explain. Anyway, the new HUD uses red and green outlining of cards that can be used or need prerequisite cards played first. Chosen cards are outlined in white. Doc is renaming the data and reorganising the texture function to make more memory available. Coming soon, too, are robot warrior opponents. I'm the big robot fan - I am desolated that my robot vacuum cleaner died a couple of years ago. It was like having a pet horseshoe crab, which I liked. '''drat'
I'm working on the training video as best I can without Comhrag, who was unwell last time I saw him and now has disappeared (it seems). Wherever you are, get well soon and come back as we need you, Com.
The horror cards are a lot of fun, and the two new cards, Wrong Foot and Outflank, that diabolically cause one's opponent to discard, are moves I'm still getting my brain around. Santa Slay, Doc's card, is useful as a coup de grace as it has low but certain attacks in at least 2 places.
I've been jonesing on my old color laser printer I had at work for so many years. I made then buy it for me in... hmmm... maybe 2001 or whenever it was (earlier?) and the thing was a champion and caused no problems at all until someone put cheesy toner in it (even then it didn't make trouble it just got dusty). If I had it I'd print up some Combat Cards :D I wouldn't play, I'd just look at them.
Once I was shocked and horrified by Doc, when he sent me a lot of spreadsheets. I spontaneously blurted out, "OMG you are teh geeky," which was rude but heartfelt. I was horrified as I had to learn how to understand the things. The thing about being an artist and living at the margins of society on a pittance means that one need never see a spreadsheet or other emblems of data collection and distribution. I did manage all right, but it was a cruel shock. I have an odd relationship with numbers. They all have individual characters. Also, I often used to remember things in books that had stood out by being able to "see" where it was on the page and the page number, for some reason, although I haven't had call to exercise that particular trait lately (not remembering it by concentrating on it at the time, just having it pop into my head after the fact). I don't have a particularly good memory (my brother does, my older sister doesn't - I'm middling). It would go like this (if we ever saw each other which we don't) me: Hmmmm... remember a boy getting hit by a truck at Pine Grove? Steven: At Pine Grove a kid slid down the snowbank into the road and was hit by a truck and killed. Deborah: I don't remember that; you KNOW I don't remember anything.
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