Circuit Boards and Punchcards
This morning for some reason I jumped right into making a card frame for our new series. Marilee and Pete were coming over and it was with amazement I saw how much time had gone by as the hour of their arrival drew closer.
As I dragged myself away from Photoshop and beat on the kitchen for a few minutes to tidy it, I started thinking about a letter my sister had written me from college. It was about 1969 and she wrote me a letter whilst in the computer lab. The letter was, in fact, written on punchcards. When she finished writing she bundled the stack into an envelope and mailed it to me. It must be two inches thick. I have it yet, although digging it out might be impossible in my current state.
We always marvel at the breadth of a life when, say, a woman is born before cars and lives to see - well, something - men on the moon, perhaps. Time and technology zip along. I think my list of things I've seen appear would be a mile long.
Marilee rang to say she had a sore throat and wouldn't visit for fear of passing the germs along.
Labels: Combat Cards
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- 5:32 PM
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