I hate to be curmudgeonly, but I had to stop what I was doing* to go and find out what was going on. Actually I'm just plain angry.
[18:07] Second Life: Your object 'Strawberry Cone' has been returned to your inventory lost and found folder by MP from parcel 'Roadside attraction' at Motorati 207.2, 79.7417 due to parcel owner return.
[18:07] Second Life: Your object 'Object' has been returned to your inventory lost and found folder by MP from parcel 'Roadside attraction' at Motorati 207.252, 79.7406 due to parcel owner return.
[18:10] You: you rang?
[18:10] MP: hey osprey
[18:10] KC: Well, I appreciate that :) But even as a contractor, it's my ballywick to take ownership of these issues. It's just good PR.
[18:10] KC: :)
[18:10] MP: did i
[18:10] KC: Hi Osprey :)
[18:10] You: I just had things returned
[18:10] KC: Did you get your autoreturn set back?
[18:11] KC: The what?
[18:11] KC: What was returned?
[18:11] MP: oh, i returned a snow cone that was on the ground is that what you mean
[18:11] KC: Ahh.
[18:11] KC: Okay, phew.
[18:11] KC: Don't make me panic like that :D
[18:11] You: That was part off my build.
[18:12] You: *of
[18:12] MP: i'm sorry i thought it was trash
[18:12] KC whaps Motorati
[18:12] KC: ;)
[18:12] You: If you see that I am the owner don't return things.
[18:12] MP: sorry
[18:12] You: As this is my build.
[18:12] You: OK
[18:12] You: bye!
*hires hitman*
* setting up for a shoot
Labels: Dept. of jF
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