The show had a number of exciting... uh.. impediments that held it up for a bit, but was ok once we got going. Except for the knitters, which act suffers badly in the lag. I was told it looked fine audience-side (they don't know what we are supposed to be doing plus our shinee pointee ur-bras are mesmerising).
Unfortunately in a way, the video stream didn't materialise - but that was all right. The sim was maxed and uber-laggy, and we shall make our own videos come September when we retire to our home stage at Phobos. I can keep close to home as Bodega-Phobos-Europa are all close (Bodega being the furthest west).
After the show Salazar pointed out that the show date on the TSMGO page was wrong (gah!), so I was just going to fix that quickly. I couldn't log into my ftp account - not surprising considering I use an ftp client on my puter and am using my olden puter. I am not very familiar at all with the dreamhost web-stuff as I never use it, but had just waded through to the ftp password changefication area when I got two emails that (to me sounded like they) spanked me for leaving the show things up as the space was needed and they were, at 2am, trying to set up for 7am. Eep - I felt badly and raced in to delete madly, IMing Salazar and Vlad as they owned a few things too. Salazar came pronto and deleted the curtain, and helped by pointing out things like the drill track, which was in the floor (that's where I keep it but one can't see it). I gave Des a copy of the curtain (I wasn't sure I really should as it's a curtain I made for our shows, the texture being one I made for Ambat, but I did anyway), as I think when we deleted everything it was emptier than they had expected and Des has asked for the curtain back.
Then I went back and fixed the webpage, and thought about food. In the olden days I taught myself how to ftp using DOS and did that quite happily until getting Go-Live (Adobe web thinger). The first way way interesting, but I was happy to swap over to an fpt client after a few years of it. I just figured all this out on my own so I'm sure I have major knowledge gaps and sub-optimum ways of doing things in many areas, but I just teach myself how to do something when I need to do it. Back when I used to be around people they'd always say, "How do you know this?" I dunno. No one's ever taught me anything about computers so it's a bit of a mystery, but I've never been any different about any aspect of life.*
Where was I? Now the footnote is longer than the post :( What a windbag I am.
Sub-post: Going Down Memory Lane
*When I invented the art program (I'm not a teacher - I'm an artist and we just did what interested me and the students like clay animation and monotypes) at Wa He Lut (my lone foray into education that ranged from part of 1 to most of 3 days a week) I tried to teach the children (5-13) that very thing. They'd say, "Can we do XyQ?" I'd say sure. I'd figure out how to do it, then we'd be doing it in class (say photo-process silkscreening of our original designs) and a child would say, "How do you do abd?" I'd say, you know as much about this as I do - this is the first time I've done it. Read the directions and experiment - if you have any good ideas let us all know. And they did. I used to tell them not to listen to me (I did tell them the wrong thing once or twice which gave them the indication that they needed to think and use their own judgement, but not sure if I did it on purpose or not). It was cool because we were on an equal footing and it set them up better to find out things in life. Nothing galls me as much as adults who act like they are repositories of all knowledge, far above the lowly child.
Once I had a whole class of kindergarteners on the floor with X-acto knives cutting out kites from garbage bags. They survived just fine, built kites with the plastic, plus skinny dowels, and tape, then we went outside where they thundered up and down and up and down while I was busting a gut laughing on the sidelines as the kites weren't going up in the air. It still makes me laugh.
We made giant papier-mache fruits and veg one time. A disturbed boy smashed the banana so we transformed it into a red pepper.
I used to make the children build things out of wood as most had no fathers and no one to show them how to use tools. It was very cool to see children gain confidence and be, for instance, drilling holes with the power drill in perfectly workmanlike fashion (they complained but I made them wear goggles). The biggest thing a group built was a large (6x6x4 feet maybe) turtle on wheels for the Procession of the Species. That entailed hammers and nails and screws and power drills/screwdrivers/stapleguns and chickenwire, cloth, paint, stuffing that was shredded paper from government offices, and g'al knows what else.
I think I'm thinking about all this as last week Tiff called me and told me Roxanna was going to throw out everything from my art program - which included photos from long ago as well as all the original yearbook paste-ups from back when I had them printed. My only option was to have everything brought over here. I said throw it all away - as I can't do anything with it and no one else is there who even remembers the old days.
Labels: Live Performance, Windbag Warning
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- 10:36 AM
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