This post was saved onto notepad pending the arrival of teh intaweb trucks:
12:05ish am
Yay! Trizzities! There was an annoying false start [amount of time*] ago when everything burst into bloom and stayed on for about 25 seconds, then collapsed back into darkness. What a tease.
12:29 am
Of course, trizzities beget intarwebz, so the tubes are not always free and open to the truck traffic, and such is the case at the moment.
/me twiddles her thumbs...
I had time before going Out to set my rehearsal things to group and drop a pungi on Salazar, but not enough time to SAY I was setting things to group - I hope they tried to move the objects. The power went out as I was trying to make contact.
12:56 am
/me goes to bed.
*An hour? More? Less?
Labels: Electrizities
posted by
- 12:59 AM

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