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02 December 2007

This picture makes me laugh - not sure why.
Later I had people at the CC event talking with the Robot Chicken lips - I tend to forget I have them on.
[13:46] You: I'm speaking drivel - thank g'al I am equipped w/ these lips.
[13:47] YG: I never took anything you said seriously anyway!
[13:47] YG: pre- or post-lips.
[13:47] You: thank g'al
[13:47] You: I type like the infinite number of monkeys
[13:47] You: hit keys randomly

Upsidedown hovertext* is a feature of the WindLight viewer - it's awesomely funny.
*In photos only, alas.


posted by - 8:00 PM

I wore mine throughout the event - I think it's why I did so well*

* I won 2 for a change - still got mashed by Mich though.
They should be proclaimed as attachments that will slay the ladies, then every newbie will want to equip them and the Creator will fullfill his dream of having them "catch on."
"His dream"? Oooooo - you never did say who made them!
I proclaim robotic chicken lips as attachments that slay the ladies, and cause 'em to swoon! I say I saw two fall under their spell, though I will not say if they fell in a romantic apoplex or from laughing uncontrollably or yet from loss of blood in the ring.

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