Soj, full name The Sojourner, has died. :(((((((((
She created the Dreams community. We had a TSMGO show at the Dreams Fair in April.

To me 2008 is the year of community in SL, and the Dreams community has been a success story for three years, and will go on into the future. I remember when Dreams was on the mainland and I participated in a "Christmas in July" build contest. Soj didn't understand what I'd built until after about a week, when she laughed* at the wrapped packages arranged as a sexeh babe in a hammock, with pointy ribbon bewbs. I was miffed as the rules said "no particles" yet one of the winners used particles, heh. Oh, those innocent days of yore :D
*She sent me an IM saying, "I just noticed what it is!" Ha ha!
Labels: Death
posted by
- 11:29 AM

I'm really sorry to hear this, mate - I never met her and only saw her briefly at the show, but SL will be a poorer place without her :(
I was sad to hear this. Soj was one of the best parts of SL for me. She was so generous with her time and energy and very funny as well, I shall miss her terribly.
Sorry to hear that ... it seems more shocking to hear someone in SL has died, because we have the choice inworld to remain young, healthy and able-bodied, until we suddenly leave for good. In a sense it helps us all to relate to the inner person, rather than having physical appearances and conditions affect our responses.
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