A man came in as we were beginning our first rehearsal at the Gaiety. He asked me if I would mind if he took pictures for his blog and I said, "Yes." He said, "Yes - you would mind?" I said, "Yes." I said if he asked performers and they said it was ok then he could.
I IMed him during rehearsal to apologise for being grumpy. He was very sweet.
[14:29] Osprey Therian: Sorry - just a bad time - I am sorry for being grumpy though.
[14:29] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[15:30] R: Your were not grumpy
[15:31] Osprey Therian: you are too kind
[15:31] Osprey Therian: :D We were having issues ;D
[15:31] R: there is never enough kindness
Labels: Live Performance
posted by
- 6:23 PM

See, I never thought you were grumpy in rehearsals. There were problems and cross-conversations and goofing about* and you remained calm throughout.
* That would be me - sorry :)
* That would be me - sorry :)
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