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03 October 2009

Norwegian Blue
An Ex Brain

It's a colossal drag, but my brain doesn't work any more. It hasn't worked for a couple of years, I think. I'm not sure how long because my brain doesn't work any more, of course. I keep thinking (that word again!) that it's a strange, temporary glitch and it will be back to normal in a minute or two, but it's slowly dawning on me that it is broken and won't be restored ever. That's horrifying as it used to work perfectly well, but I suppose not totally unexpected in someone with m.s.

I'm not sure what to do now - keep battling through the static of disconnected and truncated near-thoughts, give up and resign myself to life post-brain, or leap off the balcony like Tosca after she discovered that the perfidy of Scarpia had resulted in the death of her brain... uh, Cavaradossi, I mean. *ponders*

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posted by - 2:26 PM

I wish I was the Man With Two Brains so I could give you one of mine.
It's the thought that counts :-D
no brain, no pain
How would you know? *shakes fist*
/me stalks street of Oxford for a don to club, scalp and de-brain - on the best for you mate!
don't take one from anyone named Igor
meanwhile take comfort that many of us operate on way less than your brainpower and look at how well things are going in the world!
oh wait...

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I want to ask for thoughts about improving the world -- what do people need? How can things be organised?