Norwegian Blue
An Ex Brain
It's a colossal drag, but my brain doesn't work any more. It hasn't worked for a couple of years, I think. I'm not sure how long because my brain doesn't work any more, of course. I keep thinking (that word again!) that it's a strange, temporary glitch and it will be back to normal in a minute or two, but it's slowly dawning on me that it is broken and won't be restored ever. That's horrifying as it used to work perfectly well, but I suppose not totally unexpected in someone with m.s.
I'm not sure what to do now - keep battling through the static of disconnected and truncated near-thoughts, give up and resign myself to life post-brain, or leap off the balcony like Tosca after she discovered that the perfidy of Scarpia had resulted in the death of her brain... uh, Cavaradossi, I mean. *ponders*
Labels: Dept. of Desolation, Dept. of jF, Dept. of No Upside, Dept. of This Will Not End Well, Disjointed Thoughtlets
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