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20 December 2011

Unproductive Day
Often after jin shin I'm useless, but today I was useless even before I got there

Went to bed at midnight (early for me but the night before I had just tossed all night), got up at 10 (after a lot of weird dreams), drank some coffee, played Glitch for an hour and a bit, had a shower and got dressed, gassed up my car (traffic was insane), went to my 2:30pm Frank appointment (we laughed and laughed and he gave me some organic parsnips/beets/trail mix), dropped my Netflix envelope in the post, threw away my garbage, got home at 4:30 and cooked stir-fried vegetables with a ton of hot peppers and soy sauce, had to lie down for an hour or so, then played Glitch and goofed around on the net for about and hour and a half, then had to go and lie down at about 9:45 and just got up again at 11.


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posted by - 11:05 PM

*pats you helplessly and feels sad*
I'm always torn between actually writing stuffs to do with my life and sparing everyone from hearing about it. I used to be the family's prolific letter-writer, sending bazillions of letters, but I stopped when there was nothing but dire news and not only did I not wish to inflict it on people but I didn't want to revisit it myself.
So - I dunno, but remember I'm still better off than most human beings down through time.
no worries, mudpie weirdly feels it's a gift to be allowed as a witness
thanks for sharing your life, it's very real, as are all of ours.
(stop patting her now mudpie dammit)

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I want to ask for thoughts about improving the world -- what do people need? How can things be organised?